Random Photos from South America - 18902 Pictures

Random photos from South America, click a photo to see the large version or see 10 more random photos!
Camellon Rodrigo de Bastidas Park in Santa Marta. Colombia
Mural featuring colorful female figures at Plaza Independencia in Melo. Uruguay
Bastion and cobblestone ramp up to the Museum of Science, previously the Palace of Governors in Ouro Preto. Brazil
Milodon Caves (Cueva del Milodon), look closely for the tiny people, Torres del Paine. Chile
An old colorful house made from wood but not a national monument, Puerto Montt. Chile
You are never far away from coconuts growing in the wild in this part of Brazil, Rondonopolis. Brazil
The beautiful Plaza de los Coches inside the entrance of the city gates and old buildings, Cartagena. Colombia
Neo-Gothic white cathedral in Antofagasta, built between 1907-1917. Chile
a pair of girls paddle a kayak on the calm waters in Piriapolis, rent from Samoa Kayaks. Uruguay
Iron balconies and decorated windows of the houses in Ouro Preto. Brazil

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