Itinerary / Routes for Backpacking South America 2011 - Trip 4
"What route to take? Where would you like to go?"
Trip 4 Itinerary cont. (May 2010 - December 2011)
- This was a year of great travel to many places I hadn't seen before. I spent a few months living in Colombia also.
Itinerary for the 2nd part of the Venezuela to Brazil to Colombia trip starting the end of 2010.
Now it gets exciting! After spending the first half of 2011 living in Colombia. The next 5 months was spent backpacking all the way from Colombia to Buenos
Aires - Argentina overland while visiting awesome places along the way. This route was so much fun as well as very challenging. From Colombia down through
some fantastic places in Ecuador, then heading east to get into the jungle region. From there south through beautiful Ecuadorian countryside and jungle to
cross a remote border crossing into Peru. This itinerary continues south through the Peruvian Andes mountains all the way down to Bolivia and into northern
Argentina. All places and cities follow a natural route of travel. Various pieces of this route can be their own 1 month itinerary for example!